Below are examples found in the Animation Nodes Documentation that didn't work because they were out of date or I thought of a different way to achieve the same thing.
Directional Falloff
This example was created to demonstrate the Directional Falloff node. I don't think the original example in the documentation used the Object Instancer and used some other node that I couldn't find. I also added some math nodes to get better control over the movement of the objects.

Offset Vector
The following is a redo of an example created for the Offset Vector in the Animation Nodes documentation. Something wasn't working in the original so I came up with this to get the same effect.

Offset Vector 2
The Offset Vector section of the documentation had some cool examples that didn't work when I tried them as they were. This is the second example on the original page that I attempted to emulate.

Close Packing Explosion
In this example we map close packed objects onto the mesh of another existing object. Here, we use a sphere mesh that has been triangulated with a Decimate modifier.
In the network, we take the mesh and use the vertex locations as offsets in the Offset Vertices node. We apply a falloff to that offset with a Noise Falloff node whose amplitude increases with the number of the current Frame. You can use any noise implementation in the drop down menu. I would encourage you to experiment with this as different noise types will give your objects different kinds of movement. Offset Vertices is then connected to the Close Packing node to map spheres/circles over the surface of the mesh. Replicate Splines then maps bezier circles to the generated spheres. A Curve Object Output is then used to display and bevel the replicated splines.