Hello Beans,
My name is Kat(or Kit), this site is a place where I document the VFX things I'm messing around with. Feel free to peruse and leave a comment if you find anything interesting or useful.
Have a good one. :)
The Blog
Tutorials, articles, and Demos.
2021年10月8日Earlier in this series we introduced the concept of the cartesian system, which allows you to...2021年9月18日I've been meaning to start a series exploring the maths and science behind the software we use to...2021年9月11日Earlier this year I was asked by the small FX team I work with in studio to host a masterclass on...2021年9月3日I keep forgetting that I made this and I think it's because I struggled with this one way more...2021年8月20日Took me a while to publish this one cause I didn't quite get round to rendering this until...2021年2月21日Hi everyone, It's been some time since I last updated the website with a new tutorial. Don't...More PostsANwiki
Short Written tutorials for Blender animation nodes (Add-on)
Here are the projects I'm working on at the moment!
Simple tutorials for Animation Nodes
Animation Nodes is a free node based programming add-on for Blender. The ANwiki is a cgwiki(Houdini) style collection of simple tutorials that are short, easy to follow and reference.
Data and Blender
Data Visualisation is an important tool for data scientists, analysts and the like. Amazing data visualisations can be made easily in 2D. With this project I experiment with data visualisation in 3D using Blender
Art and Math
Fractals are fascinating to visualise, from Mandelbulbs to L Systems, there are many methods for creating self-similar patterns that defy scale. This project experiments with fractals in Houdini and Blender.
Email Me!
I'm happy to answer any questions or take suggestions.